Thursday 15 October 2009

Hebridean Challenge - Update


Just a brief update to say things are still very much on track for Heb 2010.

The feedback so far has been brilliant – loads of people fired up for next year’s race and it’s return to the Outer Isles. One point worth re-emphasing is that the race is a relay so not all team members have to do each stage/discipline. And when I use the term ‘relay’ we don’t mean just one of you is active whilst up to four others and waiting around; Teams and Trios, will find that long mountain running stages will be in pairs, whilst two others take over for MTB or road cycling etc. As a rule of thumb, most people find they are ‘race-active’ for 60% of the racing day, then there is driving, stage prep and recovery to be done, etc, etc.

The re-formatted land based category – Hebridean Trio Challenge - ‘HTC’ is causing a great buzz of excitement and expectation. The ‘HTC’ category has been introduced to allow teams of three athletes to participate by using just one average sized car, without going to the extra step of hiring a bigger vehicle, as previously required by the four person based team. ‘HTC’ Trios will do all the disciplines that the Pairs and Teams, but without the sea kayaking stages. It will not be an ‘easy’ option, just slight less daunting in terms of vehicles, logistics, costs etc. Consequently, we will not be re-instating the ‘land based fours’ (yes, the website is out of date) and we simply don’t have enough resources (volunteers!) to co-ordinate more than three distinct categories, and provide efficient and reliable results. This might seem harsh but things need to evolve if the race is to develop … trust me!

Following on from that point, I am keen to recruit a Results/Timekeeper co-ordinator. This will be someone who takes responsibility for the times and results each day, and will be a key role. My intention is to separate this away from the role of planner and race day co-ordinator in order not to over-load any one individual. Hence, whilst the role is crucial it will not be over demanding and just needs someone who is confident with a simple spreadsheet, or even clip board and pen if they choose!

Naturally we will be grateful for any help with any aspect of the race, and now is the time to get involved. Expenses will be paid to volunteers fulfilling key roles. I’d also like to thank Dan Gates for setting up a Heb Facebook page, for us all to share more info, and also wish Dan, Lizzie, Phillip and Elizabeth good luck for Portugal XPD – check out for more info.

Finally, I’m sorry we are behind with the promised updates on the website, but I'm still trying to finalize a few details prior to the re-vamp, in one hit. However, we are heaps of time ahead of schedule in term of previous years…! Roll on Heb 2010.

Keep the questions coming in – unless they are already answered by the FAQs previously;

A few simple FAQ's and tips to start;
1) Kayakers will need a three/four star 'ticket' as before - tbc.
2) Only the teams need to be mixed sex - pairs and trios can be of any combination of gender. We won't be making a fuss about different pairings but discretionary spot prizes may occur depending upon entries.
3) Ferry prices have dropped dramtically. You still need to book a vehicle ticket, and the ferries did book up fast in the 2009 staycation summer. The 5metre vehicle rule is still strongly advised as a guideline, especially for pairs and trios, but we understand that some teams just can not get a vehicle with seats for five people that is less than 5metres, and we can't really police it. (See Pt.4, below) You will have to pay extra for this .. it's your call.
4) Top Tip - travel light - cut the clutter. Less is More....
5) Bring your mates - have fun - race hard smile lots.
6) All classes are 'self-supporting', ie you don't need a support crew or driver. One of your team will act as driver during each stage. Every team member races each day.

Have fun,


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